Multiple Choice Questions


A teacher is teaching children by demonstration of a task to correct the performances of an already learned task. He is using ________ method of teaching.

  • observation

  • correction

  • modelling

  • imitation




________ involves self-awareness and control of cognitive abilities, e.g. planning, reviewing and revising, etc.

  • Metacognition

  • Cognition

  • Accommodation

  • Centration

Zajonc believes that cognition and emotion are

  • independent

  • interrelated

  • integrated

  • interdependent

According to Mann and Janis, decision-maker children analyse the problem, list the alternatives and weigh each option for its advantages and disadvantages. His behavior reflects

  • vigilant

  • autocratic

  • outgoing

  • surveillance

Maintenance is the specific stage of learning which is antecedent to stage of learning.

  • motivation

  • generalisation

  • independent

  • acquisition


Teaching learners at varying levels of difficulty based on the ability of individual learner is known as

  • Selective instruction

  • Precision teaching

  • Errorless instruction

  • Differentiated instruction

When children think to interpret the received information according to their experiences, it is called

  • Creative thinking

  • Abstract thinking

  • Concrete thinking

  • Reflective thinking

Children with individual differences should be taught in a school having teachers

  • trained to use different pedagogy to meet their diverse learning needs

  • trained to teach children with specific individual differences

  • trained to make them homogeneous learners

  • to teach in different sections of classrooms based on their individual differences.

Providing teaching-learning materials in accessible formats to the diverse learners implies

  • Universal Code of Teaching Practices

  • Universal Humanistic Approach of Teaching

  • Universal Design of Learning

  • Universal Inclusive Education Ethical Considerate


The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 ensures the Rights of Children with disabilities to free education from

  • 3 years to 18 years

  • 6 years to 14 years

  • 6 years to 22 years

  • 6 years to 18 years