Multiple Choice Questions


In thinking, a child as a problem solver evaluates the truth or likelihood of statements.

  • aesthetic

  • logical

  • abstract

  • creative



Logical thinking refers to the process where a person uses reasoning consistently to come to a conclusion. So, when a child starts evaluating and analyzing a problem then it is logical thinking.


If you join a teacher fraternity and choose to dress like most of the others in your group, you are exhibiting

  • obedience

  • conformity

  • compliance

  • group identity

The concept of Intelligence Quotient or IQ was developed by

  • Binet

  • Terman

  • Stern

  • Galton

The concept of object permanence is attained during Piaget's ________ stage of development.

  • preoperational

  • concrete operational

  • formal operational

  • sensorimotor

The development from central part of the body towards peripheries or extremities denotes the

  • principles of decentralised development

  • principles of proximodistal development

  • principles of cascade development

  • principles of radiated development


School is an institution of socialisation of children, where

  • school routines occupy the central position

  • school activities occupy the central position

  • school teachers occupy the central position

  • schoolchildren occupy the central position

Individualised Education Programme is planned from the perspective of

  • Child-Centered Education Programme

  • Open School Education Programme

  • e-Learning Education Programme

  • Special Education Programme

The task in which the children get experience while enjoying themselves is known as

  • consumer type task

  • producer type task

  • problem type task

  • drill and practice task

Between months of age, most children begin to combine words into short sentences while speaking.

  • 18 and 24

  • 24 and 30

  • 30 and 36

  • 12 and 18


Multisensory approach in teaching-learning is the simultaneous use of visual, auditory, tactile and senses to enhance learning.

  • vestibular

  • perceptual

  • observational

  • kinesthetic