Multiple Choice Questions


The task in which the children get experience while enjoying themselves is known as

  • consumer type task

  • producer type task

  • problem type task

  • drill and practice task


drill and practice task

The drill and practice task is a way of instruction characterized by the systematic repetition of concepts, examples and practice problems. It is used as an active means of teaching and children also get enjoying themselves.


In thinking, a child as a problem solver evaluates the truth or likelihood of statements.

  • aesthetic

  • logical

  • abstract

  • creative

Multisensory approach in teaching-learning is the simultaneous use of visual, auditory, tactile and senses to enhance learning.

  • vestibular

  • perceptual

  • observational

  • kinesthetic

The development from central part of the body towards peripheries or extremities denotes the

  • principles of decentralised development

  • principles of proximodistal development

  • principles of cascade development

  • principles of radiated development

School is an institution of socialisation of children, where

  • school routines occupy the central position

  • school activities occupy the central position

  • school teachers occupy the central position

  • schoolchildren occupy the central position


If you join a teacher fraternity and choose to dress like most of the others in your group, you are exhibiting

  • obedience

  • conformity

  • compliance

  • group identity

The concept of object permanence is attained during Piaget's ________ stage of development.

  • preoperational

  • concrete operational

  • formal operational

  • sensorimotor

Individualised Education Programme is planned from the perspective of

  • Child-Centered Education Programme

  • Open School Education Programme

  • e-Learning Education Programme

  • Special Education Programme

Between months of age, most children begin to combine words into short sentences while speaking.

  • 18 and 24

  • 24 and 30

  • 30 and 36

  • 12 and 18


The concept of Intelligence Quotient or IQ was developed by

  • Binet

  • Terman

  • Stern

  • Galton