Multiple Choice Questions


Braille method and tape-recording can be used as educational provision for

  • visually-impaired students

  • orthopedic impaired students

  • hearing-impaired students

  • physically handicapped students


visually-impaired students

Braille uses raised dots to represent letters of the printed alphabet. Hence it is useful for teaching visually impaired children.


To modify undesirable behaviour of the student, the most effective method is

  • to punish the students

  • to avoid it

  • to inform it to the parents

  • to find out the causes of undesirable behaviour

Bhatia battery test of intelligence has

  • 5 sub-tests

  • 8 sub-tests

  • 4 sub-test

  • 7 sub-test

Who was the founder of Kindergarten method?

  • Froebel

  • Cook

  • Montessori

  • Dalton

Dyslexia is related with

  • problem in reading

  • problem in calculating

  • problem in writing

  • language disorder


Which of the following is not an element of counselling?

  • Interview

  • Confidence

  • Professional growth

  • Communication

A Skinner box is used for

  • verbal learning

  • operant conditioning

  • motor learning

  • incidental learning

Learning is a form of behavioural

  • withdrawal

  • continuation

  • modification

  • extension

Propounder of collective counselling is

  • Thorn

  • Rogers

  • Williamson

  • None of them


CWSN stands for

  • Children with Strong Needs

  • Children with Single Need

  • Children with Special Needs

  • Creature with Soft Need