Multiple Choice Questions


CWSN stands for

  • Children with Strong Needs

  • Children with Single Need

  • Children with Special Needs

  • Creature with Soft Need


Children with Special Needs


Learning is a form of behavioural

  • withdrawal

  • continuation

  • modification

  • extension

A Skinner box is used for

  • verbal learning

  • operant conditioning

  • motor learning

  • incidental learning

Bhatia battery test of intelligence has

  • 5 sub-tests

  • 8 sub-tests

  • 4 sub-test

  • 7 sub-test

Who was the founder of Kindergarten method?

  • Froebel

  • Cook

  • Montessori

  • Dalton


Propounder of collective counselling is

  • Thorn

  • Rogers

  • Williamson

  • None of them

To modify undesirable behaviour of the student, the most effective method is

  • to punish the students

  • to avoid it

  • to inform it to the parents

  • to find out the causes of undesirable behaviour

Dyslexia is related with

  • problem in reading

  • problem in calculating

  • problem in writing

  • language disorder

Braille method and tape-recording can be used as educational provision for

  • visually-impaired students

  • orthopedic impaired students

  • hearing-impaired students

  • physically handicapped students


Which of the following is not an element of counselling?

  • Interview

  • Confidence

  • Professional growth

  • Communication