Multiple Choice Questions


Choose the correct indirect form of the sentence

The man said, "Let me have the first chance."

  • The man proposed that he should have the first chance

  • The man proposed to have the first chance

  • The man desired that he had the first chance

  • The man claimed that he had the first chance


The man proposed to have the first chance


The main purpose of teaching aids in an English classroom is to

  • provide direct experiences

  • provide vicarious experiences

  • provide symbolic experiences

  • provide first hand experiences

What does the underlined auxiliary 'can' suggest?

Can you lift this box?

  • Capacity

  • Competence

  • Ability

  • skill

Choose the word the meaning of which is opposite to 'refulgent'

  • effortless

  • dim

  • noisy

  • snoring

Keep the ball rolling. The underlined word is

  • Present participle

  • Infinitive 

  • Finite form

  • Gerund


Communicative competence is an ability to

  • use language accurately

  • express one's intended meaning clearly

  • use grammatically correct language

  • use patterns correctly

Choose the mis-spelt word

  • Siege

  • Solemn

  • Syllable

  • Sieze

When a teacher establishes a direct association between English word and its meaning, he uses

  • direct method

  • audio-lingual method

  • bilingual method

  • None of these

In communicative approach to English the focus is

  • on pattern practise

  • on the message

  • on structural accuracy

  • on using correct forms


They make him the Chairman every year.
The underlined phrase is

  • subject

  • subject complement

  • object

  • object complement