Multiple Choice Questions


Point out the sentence in Passive Voice.

  • The striking students were throwing stones.

  • Twenty lessons have been finished.

  • The murderer hid the knife.

  • The enemy will have sunk the ship by now.


Twenty lessons have been finished.


Choose the correct option.

The Prime Minister was acquitted ________ the charge leveled against him.

  • of

  • off

  • for

  • with

Point out the Active Voice of the following

The patients are visited by their relatives only between 4 to 6 pm.

  • Only between 4 to 6 pm the patients are visited by the relatives.

  • The relatives visit the patients only between 4 to 6 pm.

  • The relatives visited the patients only between 4 to 6 pm.

  • Only between 4 to 6 pm the relatives can visit the patients.

Fill in the correct articles in the sentence.

________ sun rises in ________ East.

  • A, the

  • The, the

  • The, a

  • An, a

Pick out the incorrectly spelled word.

  • Virtue

  • Queer

  • Tradgedy

  • Legible


Choose the correct sentence.

  • You should either come today or tomorrow.

  • I had scarcely reached home when it started raining heavily.

  • I had no sooner finished my studies when I got a job.

  • He is cleverer than me.

'Julius Caesar' was written by

  • Bernard Shaw

  • Galsworthy

  • Prem Chand

  • William Shakespeare

Find out the grammatically wrong sentence.

  • She takes her dog out for a walk.

  • He teaches in a school.

  • She goes to the market for vegetables.

  • They live in Allahabad.

Identify the underlined part of speech.

The burglar disappeared with the cash.

  • Transitive verb

  • Intransitive verb

  • Linking verb

  • Auxiliary verb


Find the meaning of the following idiom is a given option.

To read between the lines

  • to suspect

  • to read carefully

  • to understand the hidden meaning of the word

  • to do useless things