Multiple Choice Questions


Point out the figure of speech used in the sentence given below.

The moon smiled at the stars around her.

  • Metaphor

  • Simile

  • Oxymoron

  • Personification




Every class is a mixed ability class, so while dividing the students into different groups for a language activity a teacher should

  • give students different tasks according to their strength

  • mix weaker and stronger students

  • arrange groups differently for different kinds of activities

  • put weaker and stronger students in different groups

Summative assessment is

  • assessment in learning

  • assessment of learning

  • assessment as learning

  • assessment for learning

Which one of the following should a teacher not use while initiating the process writing approach?

  • Drafting and revising

  • Dictating notes

  • Proof reading before final draft

  • Brainstorming

One of the objectives of teaching vocabulary is not to

  • be able to use words in different contexts

  • develop active and passive vocabulary

  • enable learners to use the dictionary

  • understand the meaning of words


Active vocabulary consists of words which

  • we use frequently in our daily life

  • we use occasionally

  • are difficult

  • we recognize and understand

Anshu is teaching English to class VI students and her class seems to be noisy. She is probably

  • teaching a crowded class

  • not able to manage the class

  • not bothered about the noise

  • having group work

A passage explaining a place in such a way that a picture is formed in the reader's mind is called

  • expository

  • narrative

  • argumentative

  • descriptive

A method is a body of... that a teacher adopts in the teaching-learning process

  • techniques

  • norms

  • pointers

  • principles
