Multiple Choice Questions


Structural approach lays stress on

  • developing linguistic competence

  • selection and gradation of materials

  • improving fluency

  • developing accuracy


developing accuracy


Contrastive pairing is used for teaching-learning of

  • pronunciation

  • reading

  • writing

  • speaking

Learning to read means

  • decoding the structure of a language

  • decoding the meaning

  • reading aloud

  • decoding letters of alphabet into sounds

'Brainstorming' technique is useful for

  • overcoming the problems of spelling

  • helping students in forming new sentences

  • improving students' spontaneous sensitivity

  • developing learners' vocabulary

The National Curriculum Framework, 2005 advocates that a language learner is a

  • receiver of language

  • producer of language

  • user of grammatical rules

  • the constructor of knowledge/ language


Functional grammar refers to

  • learning grammar by knowing the technicalities of language

  • learning grammar through the rules of language

  • learning grammar in isolation

  • learning grammar in a given context

The study of words and their meanings is known as

  • phonetics

  • syntax

  • linguistics

  • semantics

Lata, an English language teacher of Class VII, divides the class into pairs to read a sequence of pictures and then describe it to each other. What is this activity pedagogically known as?

  • Teacher-facilitated reading

  • Peer interaction

  • Assignment

  • Group work

'Roleplay' is an activity for promoting

  • assessment

  • listening

  • writing

  • speaking and listening


A good language textbook should include

  • interesting stories

  • attractive fonts, illustrations, and learner-friendly texts

  • extracts from British and American literature

  • more grammar exercises