Multiple Choice Questions


Abeera, an English teacher, describes a scene and asks the learners to draw what they have heard. This is a

  • mutual dictation

  • picture story

  • picture dictation

  • picture composition


picture dictation


The second language should be taught through

  • mother tongue and translation

  • using the target language as much as is possible

  • learners' background and talent

  • grammar and rules of language

A teacher divides her class into pairs to exchange their notebooks and make corrections as per the direction of the teacher. What does she do?

  • Correction

  • Group assessment

  • Assessment

  • Peer assessment

While teaching a 'One-Act Play', a tableau can be used as one of the teaching strategies. The tableau refers to

  • silent still image made by actors posing as characters

  • a monologue

  • some musical instrument

  • dialogues between different actors

A language is a tool because

  • it is used for processing ideas

  • it is used for communication

  • it is used for thinking

  • it is used for conveying ideas


There are 44 sounds in English. Out of these, how many sounds are vowels and how many are consonants respectively?

  • 22, 22

  • 5, 39

  • 10,34

  • 20,24

Pedagogical grammar is

  • learning of rules first and then the meanings of words

  • learning of meanings through form

  • learning of grammar in context through use

  • learning of grammar through prose and poetry

A speech community refers to a community which

  • uses different languages

  • speaks different dialects

  • speaks the same language

  • connects by virtue of a link language

TBLT in second language teaching is

  • Tool Based Language Teaching

  • Task Book Language Teaching

  • Task Based Language Teaching

  • Task Based Language Training


Children can best learn a language when they have

  • inhibition

  • a proficient language teacher

  • motivation

  • a good textbook