Multiple Choice Questions


If you are listening to the description of how to reach a specific location, then you are doing

  • focused listening

  • intensive listening

  • extensive listening

  • casual listening


extensive listening

Extensive listening focuses on overall understanding and helps students to understand spoken language in real-world contexts.


The phenomenon, where a single word is associated with two or several related meanings, is known as

  • homograph

  • polysemy

  • homonymy

  • homonyms

Which one of the following does not come under the principle of selection and gradation?

  • Availability

  • Frequency

  • Coverage

  • Accuracy

Which one of the following can be used as a rubric for the assessment of fluency and coherence of language?

  • Can initiate and logically develop simple conversation on a familiar topic.

  • Is always comprehensible, uses appropriate intonation.

  • Demonstrates hesitation to find words or use correct grammatical structures.

  • Can express with some flexibility and appropriacy on variety of topics.

'The dog lived in the garden, but the cat, who was smarter, lived inside the house' is an example of
  • complex compound sentence

  • complex sentence

  • compound sentence

  • simple sentence


Which one of the following is not the objective defined by NCF-2005 for teaching English at upper primary level?

  • To use dictionary suitable to their needs.

  • To be able to articulate individual/personal responses effectively.

  • To promote learners' conceptualisation of printed texts in terms of heading, paragraph, and horizontal lines.

  • To negotiate their own learning goals and evaluate their own progress; edit, revise, review their own work.

Grammar-translation method is basically used to teach

  • foreign language

  • rules of any language usage

  • classical language

  • grammar

At the initial stages of language learning,________may be one of the languages for learning activities that create the child's awareness to the world (NCF-2005)

  • Vernacular language

  • Second language

  • Hindi

  • English

If a language teacher has put the words 'school, teacher, headmaster, peon' in a group, then she is following

  • semantic grouping

  • phonetic grouping

  • grammatical grouping

  • lexical grouping


Little or no attention is given to pronunciation in method.

  • grammar-translation

  • CLT

  • SLT

  • audio-lingual