Multiple Choice Questions


Which of the following can be assessed when Geeta is using only MCQ as a tool to assess "Nutrition in Humans"?

  • Misconceptions related to food habits

  • Learner's ability to apply knowledge and prepare a role-play to present in the morning assembly

  • Learners' ability to comprehend the importance of components of food and write a long essay

  • Analytical ability to classify food items and make a poster


Misconceptions related to food habits

MCQ questions are used to assess the knowledge of the learners, hence it will lead to the idea that whether the knowledge exists or not, but the wrong marked answers will also provide the teacher with the idea that what the students think is the answer, further which will provide the teacher with the misconceptions


A man goes door to door posing as a goldsmith. He promises to bring back the glitter on dull gold ornaments. An unsuspecting woman gives a set of gold bangles to him which he dips in a particular solution. The bangles sparkle but their weight has considerably reduced. The solution used by the impostor probably is

  • conc. HCl

  • a mixture of conc. HCl and conc. HNO3

  • conc. HNO3

  • dil. HCl

While teaching the concept, 'force can change the shape of an object' to students, a teacher plans the following activities
A. Explain concepts using commonly observed examples.
B. Provide a dough on a plate and ask the students to press it down with the hand.
C. Show an audio-visual film explaining the concept with some examples.

The teacher is using different approaches to learning because

  • she knows she must follow her lesson plan

  • she wants to prepare students for a test

  • there are different kinds of learners in the class and she wants to address multiple intelligences

  • she wants to prove her knowledge

Adding salt and sugar to food substances helps in preserving them for a longer duration. It is because excess salt and sugar

  • cause rupturing of microbial cells

  • cause change in the shape of microbial cells

  • remove water from food

  • plasmolyse the microbial cells

Ms Patel, Principal of a School XYZ, is keen about integrated approach to teaching of Science rather than teaching different disciplines separately. The basis of this is

  • difficulty to adjust the teachers in the time-table

  • difficulty of students to adjust to different teachers

  • all the disciplines are interlinked and a teacher can draw on cross-curricular linkages

  • non-availability of qualified teachers in her school to teach separate disciplines


Root cap is absent in

  • hydrophytes

  • mesophytes

  • halophytes

  • xerophytes

A teacher plans to teach 'Components of Food' in Class-VI. Which of the following can be used as an essential question?

  • Why does your mother serve you a meal with a variety of food items?

  • Does your mother prepare a definite set of food items for lunch every day?

  • Do you eat all the items served in your lunch every day?

  • List the food items your mother serves you in lunch

When an iron nail is dipped in copper sulphate solution, the colour of copper sulphate solution fades and a brownish layer is deposited over the iron nail. This is an example of

  • decomposition reaction

  • double displacement reaction

  • displacement and redox reactions

  • combination reaction

Bleeding is stopped by the application of alum to a wound because

  • alum coagulates the blood and forms a clot

  • alum reduces the temperature near the wound

  • alum is an antiseptic

  • the wound is plugged by the alum chunk


In which of the following cases of motion, are the distance moved and the magnitude of displacement equal?

  • A car moving in a circular path

  • A pendulum oscillating to and fro

  • The Earth revolving around the Sun

  • A car moving on a straight road