Multiple Choice Questions


Air is a mixture of many gases. The percentage by volume, of the gases other than nitrogen and oxygen, i.e., CO2 methane, argon, ozone and water vapour combined together is about

  • 0.1%

  • 1%

  • 21%

  • 78%



Air consists of various gases in different compositions and amounts.
1.Nitrogen (78%)
2. Oxygen (21 %)
3. Carbon dioxide, (0.03%), other gases like methane, water vapour, xenon, helium (0.17%) and argon (0.90%).

Hence, the percentage by volume of the gases other than nitrogen and oxygen i.e. CO2 methane, ozone, water vapour and argon combined together is about nearly is 1 %


Cereals such as wheat and gram are grown in an area. The soil of this area must be

  • loamy and sandy

  • clayey

  • sandy and clayey

  • clayey and loamy

If we add a handful of garden soil to a beaker filled three-quarters with water, stir the contents with a stick to dissolve the soil and then let it stand undisturbed for some time, we observe different layers. The order of these layers from the bottom to the top is

  • gravel, clay, sand, humus, water

  • sand, gravel, clay, water, humus

  • clay, sand, gravel, humus, water

  • gravel, sand, clay, water, humus

When a copper plate is exposed to moist air for long, it acquires a dull green coating. The green material is

  • copper sulphate

  • a mixture of copper hydroxide and copper sulphate

  • a mixture of copper carbonate and copper sulphate

  • a mixture of copper carbonate and copper hydroxide

The metamorphosis of tadpoles is not possible if the water in which they are growing does not contain sufficient

  • calcium

  • oxygen

  • iodine

  • minerals


A person is suffering from a disease named 'Goitre'. Which of the following glands of the person is not functioning properly?

  • Adrenal

  • Pancreas

  • Pituitary

  • Thyroid

Which of the following commonly used fuels has maximum calorific value?

  • Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)

  • Diesel

  • Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)

  • Petrol

In which of the following units is the calorific value of fuels generally expressed?

  • Calories per gram

  • Kilocalories per kilogram

  • Joules

  • Kilojoules per kilogram

Select the one which is different from the others in the manner it is applied.

  • Electrostatic force

  • Frictional force

  • Gravitational force

  • Magnetic force


Which of the following endocrine glands secretes sugar controlling hormone?

  • Adrenal

  • Pancreas

  • Pituitary

  • Thyroid