Multiple Choice Questions


Which one of the following materials is ferromagnetic?

  • Nickel

  • Wood

  • Gold

  • Manganese



Substances which are strongly magnetised in the direction of the magnetic field when placed on it, are called ferromagnetic substances. e.g. Iron, nickel, cobalt, etc are the examples.


Which one of the following metals is not a mineral?

  • Bauxite

  • Gypsum

  • Hematite

  • Limonite

Ozone is

  • an allotrope of oxygen

  • an isomer of oxygen

  • a compound of oxygen

  • an isotope of oxygen

Which scientist discovered the radioactive element radium?

  • Albert Einstein

  • Benjamin Franklin

  • Isaac Newton

  • Marie Curie

What is the reason of 'stone-cancer'?

  • Global warming

  • Radioactivity

  • Acid rain

  • Bacterial activity


Which of the following properties of water can be used to explain the spherical shape of rain droplets?

  • Surface tension

  • Critical phenomenon

  • Viscosity

  • Pressure.

Which one of the following non-metals is liquid?

  • Iodine

  • Sulphur

  • Bromine

  • Phosphorus

The gas used in artificial ripening of green fruits is

  • ethane

  • hydrogen

  • acetylene

  • nitrogen

The percentage of nitrogen gas in the air is

  • 78

  • 21.5

  • 40

  • 3


Which of the following is a greenhouse gas?

  • Nitrogen

  • Carbon dioxide

  • Argon

  • Oxygen