
Write about the contribution of Ahmed Khan to reduce the amount of plastic waste.

Ahmed Khan a plastic sack manufacturer of Bangalore, found an ideal solution to the problem of increasing plastic waste. His company developed Polyblend, a fine powder of recycled modified plastic. The raw material for creating Polyblend was any plastic film waste. The polyblend mixture was mixed with the bitumen and was used to lay roads. In collaboration with R.V.College of Engineering and the Bangalore City Corporation, Ahmed Khan proved that blends of Polyblend and bitumen, when used to lay roads, enhanced the bitumen’s water repellant properties, and helped to increase road life by a factor of three. Using Khan’s technique, by the year 2002, more than 40 kms of road in Bangalore has already been laid. Thus decresing the amount of plastic waste to a great extent.

Why is the use of unleaded petrol recommended for motor vehicles equipped with catalytic converters ?

Why is ozone layer in stratosphere called a protective layer ? Write a short note on the causes and effects of ozone depletion.

Write “True” or “False” :


The CO2 causes asphyxial death due to oxygen starvation.


Acid rain caused due to oxides of nitrogen and sulphur.


Ozone destroys the crops of potato, alfalfa and spinach.


The UV rays and IR rays are ionising radiations.


The photochemical smog contains PAN and Ozone.

A factory drains its waste water into the nearby lake causing algal bloom.

(a) How was the algal bloom caused ?

(b) What would be the consequences ?

(c) Give the term for the cause of it.

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