
Distinguish between Wholesale Trade and Retail Trade.

The following are the points of distinction between wholesale trade and retail trade :

1. Sale of operations : Wholesale trade is carried on a large scale. Hence, the amount of capital invested in wholesale trade is much higher than that in a retail trade.

2. Range of products : A wholesaler specializes in one type of commodity while a retailer has to keep a large variety of products to satisfy the varied requirements of the customers.

3. Link : A wholesaler is a link between producer/manufacturer and retailer while a retailer acts as a intermediary between the wholesaler and the ultimate consumer.

4. Location : A wholesaler need not have a showroom or shop in central place. He may has his godown in a corner of the city and may operate from his house or a small shop in the market where he may accept order and supply goods to the various retialers. While retailer generally has a shop or showroom in the heart of the city so that he can attract large number of customers.

5. Margin : The margin in case of a wholesaler is smaller as compared to a retailer since the former has high turnover as compared to the later.

6. Decoration : The wholesaler does not require any decoration of his shop or display of goods while incase of a retailers, decoration of shop, is must.

7. Quantity : In wholesale trade, buying and selling of goods is in large quantity while in ret6.ail trade it is comparatively in small lots.

8. Credit sales : The credit sale is a common feature in wholesale trade as compared to retail trade.


Explain the types of Itinerant retailers.

 Explain the characteristics of Chain stores or Multiple shops.

Difference between departmental store and chain stores or multiple shops :

 Explain the types of Itinerant retailers.

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