
Give major WTO agreements.

Major WTO agreements are as under :

1. Agreement Forming Part of GATT : The erstwhile General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) after as substantial modification in 1994 is very much part of the WTO agreements. Besides the general principles of trade liberalization. GAIT also includes certain special agreements evolved to deal with specific non-tariff barriers. Some of the specific agreements are as under :

• Agreement on Pre-shipment Inspection.

• Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade.

• Agreement on Import Licensing procedures.

• Agreement on Safeguards.

• Agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures.

• Agreement on Anti-dumping Duties.

• Agreement on Rules of Origin.

2. Agreement on Textile and Clothing

(ATC) : This agreement was evolved under WTO to phase out the quota restrictions as imposed by the developed countries on exports of textiles and clothing form the developing countries. The developed countries were imposing various kinds of quota restrictions under the Multi-Fibre Arrangement (MFA) that itself was a major departure from the GATT’s basis principle of free trade in goods.

3. Agreement On Agriculture (AOA) : It is an agreement to ensure free and fair trade in agriculture. Though original GATT rules were applicable to trade in agriculture, these suffered from certain loopholeas such as exemption to member countries to use some non-tariff measures such as customs tariffs, import quotas and subsidies to protect interests of the farmers in the home country. AOA is a significant step towards an orderly and fair trade in agricultural products. The developed countries have agreed to lower down the customs duties on their imports and subsidies to the exports of agricultural products.

4. General Agreement on Trade Services (GATS) : Services means acts or performances that are essentially intangible and cnanot be as such touched or smelt as goods. GATS is regarded as landmark achievement of the Uruguay Round as it extends the mutlilateral rules and disciplines to services. It is because of GATS that the basic rules governing ‘trade in goods’ have become applicable to ‘trade in services’.

5. Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellecutal Property Rights (TRIPS) : The WTO’s agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) was negotitated in 1986-1994. It were the Uruguay Round of GATT negotiations where for the first time the rules relating to intellectual property rights were discussed and introduced as part of the multilateral trading system. Intellectual property means information with commercial values such as ideas, inventions, creative expression and others. The agreement sets out the minimum standards of protection to be adopted by the parties in respect of seven intellectual properties, viz. Copy rights and related rights, trade marks, geographical indication, industrial designs, patents, layout design of integrated circuits, and undisclosed information.


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