
Give an account of the currents of Indian Ocean.

Ocean Currents in South Indian Ocean : The circulatory cycle as shown in fig. 14.6 in the southern Indian ocean is anti-clock-wise. South Equatorial Current flows from east to west and it receives a part of the South Equatorial Current of the Pacific Ocean, which emerging out of the Indonesian Group of Islands enters Indian Ocean.

Currents of the Indian Ocean (Winter)

In the west, South Equatorial Current has two branches. One branch passes through Africa and Madagascar. It is called Mozambique Current. Another branch flows east of Madagascar parallel to the Mozambique Current. It is called Madagascar Current. These two branches meet each other south of Madagascar and form Agulhas Current. It later meets the South Pacific Current which flows from west to east. A branch of it flows along the western coast of Australia from south to north and meets the South Equatorial Current. The current along Western Australia is known as West Australian Current. Ocean Currents in North Indian Ocean :

Summer: In summer, the prevailing winds blow from sea towards land and are known as South-West Monsoon. Under its influence a branch of South Equatorial current turns towards Africa in the west. The current turns towards east from the Gulf of Aden, and takes a round of the Bay of Bengal washing the western and the eastern coasts of India.

Winter : The direction of monsoon winds in winter is just the reverse of that in summer. It is north-east in winter. Hence the an ocean current starting from the strait of Malacca flows along the coast in the Bay of Bengal. After crossing Sri Lanka its flows along the coasts of western India from south to north. It takes a round of Gulf of Aden in the west and begins to flow towards south where its direction is from west to east. Hence, it called South Indian Current.

Currents of the Indian Ocean (Summer)


 How are the tides caused ?

 Distinguish between :
2. Swash and Back Wash.

Distinguish between Spring Tides and Neap Tides.

Distinguish between :
4. Swell and Surf.

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