
Describe Agent Orange as the deadly Poison.

Agent Orange is a defoliant or a plant killer. It was stored in drums marked with an orange band. Between 1961 and 1971, some 11 million gallons of this chemical was sprayed from cargo planes by US forces. Their plan was to destroy forests and fields, so that it would be easier to kill there was no jungle cover the people to hide in.

Over 14 per cent of the country’s farmland was affected by this poison. Its effect has been staggering, continuing to affect people till today. Dioxin, an element of Agent Orange, is known to cause cancer and brain damage in children, and according to a study, high incidence of deformities found in the sprayed areas.



Describe the features of the Ho Chi Minh Trail in the Vietnamese war against the U.S.

Which of the following countries comprises of Indo-China?

  • Laos

  • Vietnam

  • Cambodia

  • Malaysia

When did Indo-China get its formal independence?

  • In 1945

  • In 1947

  • In 1948

  • In 1971

What do you understand by term ‘rationalism’?

  • It means faith in reason and science

  • It means faith in religion

  • It means believe in social customs

  • It means believe in absolutism

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