
What is the meaning of diabetes? To control diabetes, write any three posture method in detail.

Diabetes is a dangerous disease, if diabetes is not controlled, it is afraid to have kidney failure, reduce the viscosity of the eyes and fear of cardiovascular diseases. Diabetes is a disease that increases the level of sugar in our blood. To control the level of sugar in the blood, a hormone called insulin is used.

Due to diabetes, the man has fatigue, feeling the need to urinate frequently, having numbness of hands and feet, blurred vision, excessive weight of the body, and no filling of wounds.

The main reason for diabetes is that people relinquish exercise and walk from their lifestyle.

By doing Bhujangasan, paschimottanasana, pawanmuktasana and ardhmatsyandrasan. Yoga, one can get rid of this disease.


Pre Stage: Lie down on your stomach.


  1. Joint the legs and stretch as much as possible.
  2. Place the palm near the chest facing the ground.
  3. Take a deep breath and lift your upper body upwards. Elbow should be straight.
  4. Move your head and neck backwards as much as possible.
  5. Exhale and slowly bring the body in stating position.


Pre Stage: Sit down with your legs stretching straight in front of you.


  1. Keep your head, neck and spine erect and stretch hands upwards with a deep breath.
  2. Now, exhale and bend your head and trunk slowly forward to catch the toes with the thumb. Try to touch head, chest and stomach to the legs and elbows to the floor.


Pre Stage: Lie flat on your back and keep the legs straight.


  1. Inhale slowly and lift the legs and bend the knees.
  2. Bring upwards to the chest till your thigh touches the stomach.
  3. Hug your knees and lock your fingers.
  4. Keep back, neck and head straight.


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