
Explain how the opposition unity and the Congress split posed a challenge to Congress dominance.

The opposition unity and the Congress split posed a challenge to the Congress dominance in the following ways :

(i) Before 1967 elections the opposition parties had realised that division of their votes kept the Congress in power.Thus parties that were entirely different and disparate in their programmes and ideology got together to form anti congress front in some states and entered into electoral adjustment of sharing seats in others. 

(ii) The split in the Congress reduced Indira Gandhi government to a minority. However, she remained in office with the support of Communist Party of India and DMK. It was issue-based support. The fact was, however, that the new Congress of Indira Gandhi was just one faction of an already weak party and split had further weakened its position.


Describe the programmes put forward by Indira Gandhi at the time of 1971 elections.

What were the objectives of Indira Gandhi's “Garibi Hatao’ slogan?

What is meant by Privy purses ?Why did Indira Gandhi want to abolish them in 1970?

How did a new Congress led by Indira Gandhi overcome the new challenges of the opposition unity and split in the party ?

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