
What is meant by Privy purses ?Why did Indira Gandhi want to abolish them in 1970?

At the time of the integration of the Princely States, the Government of India assured the rulers' families would be allowed to retain certain private property, and give them a grant in heredity or goverment allowances, measured on the basis of the extent, revenue and potential of the merging states. This grant was called the privy purse.

The hereditory privileges were not consonant with the principles of equality and social and economic justice laid down in the Constitution of India.


How did a new Congress led by Indira Gandhi overcome the new challenges of the opposition unity and split in the party ?

What were the objectives of Indira Gandhi's “Garibi Hatao’ slogan?

Explain how the opposition unity and the Congress split posed a challenge to Congress dominance.

Describe the programmes put forward by Indira Gandhi at the time of 1971 elections.

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