
What were the objectives of Indira Gandhi's “Garibi Hatao’ slogan?

Through “Garibi Hatao’ Indira Gandhi tried to generate a support base among the disadvantaged, especially among the landless labourers, Dalits and Adivasis, minorities, women and unemployed youth. The slogan of Garibi Hatao and the programmes that followed it were a part of her political strategy of building an independent nationwide political support base.

Describe the programmes put forward by Indira Gandhi at the time of 1971 elections.

How did a new Congress led by Indira Gandhi overcome the new challenges of the opposition unity and split in the party ?

What is meant by Privy purses ?Why did Indira Gandhi want to abolish them in 1970?

Explain how the opposition unity and the Congress split posed a challenge to Congress dominance.

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