
Study the contour pattern and answer the following questions :

1. Name the geographical feature formed by contours.

2. Find out the contour interval on the map.

3. Find out the map distance between E and F and convert it into the ground distance.

4. Name the type of slope between A and B; C and D and E and F.

5. Find out the direction of E, D and F from G.

  1. Plateau
  2. 100 m.
  3. 2 cm. Ground distance is 4 km.
  4. Between A and B slope is gentle. Between C and D is irregular. Between E and F is gentle.
  5. From G the direction of E is north-west, D is on the North and F is in South.


Study the extract from the topographical sheet No. 63K/12, as shown in the figure below and answer the following questions :

  1. Convert 1: 50000 into a statement of scale.
  2. Name the major settlements of the area.
  3. What is the direction of flow of the river Ganga?
  4. At which one of the banks of river Ganga, Bhatauli is located?
  5. What is the pattern of rural settlements along the right bank of river Ganga?
  6. Name the villages/ settlements where Post Office / Post and Telegraph Office are located.
  7. What does the yellow colour in the area refer to?
  8. What means of transportation is used to cross the river by the people of Bhatauli village?

Draw the conventional signs and symbols for the following features :

(i) International Boundary (ii) Bench Mark (iii) Villages (iv) Metalled Road (v) Footpath with Bridge (vi) Places of Worship (vii) Railway line.

Study the extract for topographical sheet 63K/12 shown in the figure below and answer the following questions :

  1. Give the height of the highest point on the map.
  2. River Jamtihwa Nadi is flowing through which quarter of the map?
  3. Which is the major settlement located in the east of the Kuardari Nala ?
  4. What type of settlement does the area have?
  5. Name the geographical feature represented by white patches in the middle of Sipu Nadi.
  6. Name the two types of vegetation shown on part of the topographical sheet.
  7. What is the direction of the flow of the Kuardari?
  8. In which part of the sheet area is Lower Khajuri Dam located?

 If you are interpreting cultural features of a topographical sheet, what information would you like to seek and how would you derive this information? Discuss with the help of suitable examples.

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