
Do you agree with the statement that biology plays an enabling role, while specific aspects of behaviour are related to cultural factors. Give reasons in support of your answer.

Yes, biology plays an enabling role, while specific aspects of behaviour are related to cultural factors. Many of our behaviours are influenced by hormones and many others occur as reflexive responses. However, hormones and reflexes do not explain all of our behaviour. Human behaviour is more complex than the behaviour of animals. A major reason for this complexity is that unlike animals human beings have a culture to regulate their behaviour. It can be explained by an example.

Sexual behaviour involves hormones and reflexive reactions in animals and human beings alike. While among animals sexual behaviour is fairly simple and reflexive, it is so complex among human beings that it can hardly be described as reflexive partner preferences or a key feature of human sexual behaviour. The bases of these preference widely differ within and across societies. Human sexual behaviour is also governed by many rules, standards, values and laws. However, these rules and standards also remain in a continuous, process of change.

Thus, it is established that biological factors alone cannot help us very much in understanding human behaviour. Human nature has evolved through an interplay of biological and cultural forces.



Explain the meaning of culture and describe its important features.

Describe the main agents of socialisation.

What is meant by acculturation? Is acculturation a smooth process? Explain.

How can we distinguish between enculturation and socialisation? Explain.

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