
How can we distinguish between enculturation and socialisation? Explain.

Enculturation: It refers to all learning that takes place without direct, deliberate teaching. It refers to all learning that occurs in human life because of its availability in our socio-cultural context. Observation is the key element of enculturation in learning. Whenever we learn any content of our society by observation, enculturation is in evidence. These contents are culturally shaped by our preceding generations. A major part of our behaviour is the product of enculturation.

Socialisation: It is a process by which individuals acquire knowledge, skills and dispositions, which enable them to participate as effective members of groups and society. It is a process that continues over the entire life-span, and through which one learns and develops ways of effective functioning at any stage of development. Socialisation forms the basis of social and cultural transmission from one generation to the next. Its failure in any society may endanger the very existence of that society.



Describe the main agents of socialisation.

What is meant by acculturation? Is acculturation a smooth process? Explain.

Explain the meaning of culture and describe its important features.

Do you agree with the statement that biology plays an enabling role, while specific aspects of behaviour are related to cultural factors. Give reasons in support of your answer.

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