
What are metals?

i) A solid material which is typically hard, shiny, malleable, fusible, and ductile, with good electrical and thermal conductivity (e.g. iron, gold, silver, and aluminium, and alloys such as steel.

ii) Metals are the elements which can easily form positive ions by losing electrons, e.g., magnesium (Mg) is a metal which forms positive ions, Mg
2+ by losing 2 electrons.

Give important physical characteristics of metals.

What do you understand by malleability and ductility of a metal? Give examples of two metals which are both ductile and malleable.

Gold is soluble in:
  • hydrochloric acid
  • sodium hydroxide
  • nitric acid 
  • aqua regia.

The most abundant metal in earth’s crust is:
  • copper
  • aluminium
  • oxygen
  •  iron.

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