
Give important physical characteristics of metals.

Important physical properties of metal.

(i) Conduction of heat and electricity: Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity.

(ii) Metallic lustre: Metals have shining surface.

(iii) Strength: Metals have high tensile strength.

(iv) Melting points and boiling points: Except sodium and potassium, metals have very high melting points and boiling points. Iron melts at 1539°C.

(v) Malleability and ductility: Metals can be drawn into thin wires (ductile) and can also be beaten into thin sheets with a hammer (malleable).

(vi) Densities: Except sodium and potassium, metals are quite hard and have high densities.


What do you understand by malleability and ductility of a metal? Give examples of two metals which are both ductile and malleable.

Gold is soluble in:
  • hydrochloric acid
  • sodium hydroxide
  • nitric acid 
  • aqua regia.

What are metals?

The most abundant metal in earth’s crust is:
  • copper
  • aluminium
  • oxygen
  •  iron.

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