
What is solar system? Name the planets situated between the sun and the earth.

The Solar system consists of the Sun and the celestial bodies which revolve around the Sun. Added to that it consists of a large number of bodies such as planets, comets, asteroids and meteors. The sun is the centre of the solar system and all the planets revolve around the sun in elliptical paths called orbits. 

The planets situated between the sun and the earth are Mercury and Venus.



Why do stars appear to us like points, whereas sun looks bigger?

(a) In which direction do stars appear to move in the sky?

(b) Why do they appear to move in this direction?

What are the phases of the Moon? Explain with the help of diagram.

X is a group of stars which is visible during the summer season in the early part of the night. It can be seen clearly in the month of April in the northern part of the sky. It resembles a bowl with a handle. It also resembles a big kite with a tail.

(a) What is the general name of groups of stars like X?

(b) Write any two names of X.

(c) Is it a part of our solar system?

(d) How many bright stars are usually observed in X?

(e) Which famous star can be located in the sky with the help of X?

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