
What are the five main functions of simple epithelial tissues?

The main functions of simple epithelial tissues are:

(i) The cells form the outer layer of skin. They protect the underlying cells from drying, injury, infection and chemical effects.

(ii) They regulate the exchange of materials between the body and the external environment. 

(iii) They help in absorption of water and other nutrients, especially in alimentary canal.

(iv) They help in the elimination of waste products.

(v) Some of them are greatly specialized (glandular cells) and perform secretory function.



Explain the structure of three types of muscle fibres. Also write the locations where they are found in the body.

What are epithelial tissues?

Write structure, location and function of squamous epithelium, cuboidal epithelium, columnar epithelium and striated squamous.

What are the various forms of cells of epithelial tissue? Describe briefly.

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