
Write structure, location and function of squamous epithelium, cuboidal epithelium, columnar epithelium and striated squamous.

  Type of tissue Structure Location in the body


1.  Squamous epithelium Cells are flat, discoi-dal and fit together forming a pavement like appearance. Alveoli of the lungs Blood capillaries. Bowman’s capsule of nephron in kidney.

Exchange of gases in the lungs.

Exchange of materials and gases between body cells and blood. Ultrafiltration of blood.
2.  Cuboidal epithelium Cells are cuboidal with centric and rounded nuclei.

Tubule of nephron in kidney.

Duct of salivary glands.

Selective reabsorption of useful materials and water.

Production of gametes.
3.  Columnar epithelium Cells are more tall than wide, placed side by side. The nucleus is situated near the bases.

Fallopian tube (ciliated cells).

Mucosa of small intestine (cells with microvilli).

Help in movement of ovum/zygote. Absorption of digested food with increased surface area.


Striated squamous

Squamous flat cells arranged in many layers to prevent wear and tear of parts.

Skin, tongue, oesophagus lining of mouth.

Protection, prevent wear and tear.



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