
Describe the significant changes brought about with the introduction of agriculture.

With the introduction of agriculture:

(i) More people began to stay in one place for even longer periods than they had done before. Thus permanent houses began to be built of mud, mud bricks and even stone. These are some of the earliest villages known to archaeologists.

(ii) Farming and pastoralism led to the introduction of many other changes such as the making of pots in which to store grain and other produce, and to cook food.

(iii) Besides, new kinds of stone tools came into use. Other new tools such as the plough were used in agriculture.

(iv) Gradually, people became familiar with metals such as copper and tin. The wheel, important for both pot making and transportation, came into use.

Mention the main characteristics of the Mesolithic Period.

What do you know regarding the division of labour in food procurement ?

Discuss the lesson learned about the changes in our lives today by studying the causes of the change in life of early man.

State the chief characteristic features of the Palaeolithic Period.

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