
What do you know regarding the division of labour in food procurement ?

Also, there is little consensus regarding the division of labour in food procurement.

(i) Although today generally women gather and men hunt, there are societies where both women and men hunt and gather and make tools. In any case, the important role of women in contributing to the food supply in such societies cannot be denied.

(ii) It is perhaps this factor that ensures a relatively equal role for both women and men in present-day hunter-gatherer societies, although there are variations. While this may be the case today, it is difficult to make any such inference for the past.


State the chief characteristic features of the Palaeolithic Period.

Mention the main characteristics of the Mesolithic Period.

Describe the significant changes brought about with the introduction of agriculture.

Discuss the lesson learned about the changes in our lives today by studying the causes of the change in life of early man.

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