
State the chief characteristic features of the Palaeolithic Period.

In history, the period from the early times to 10,000 B.C. is called the Palaeolithic period. The chief characteristic features of this period are stated below :

(i) During this period man had started working in co-operation with other fellow beings for the hunting work and  self-protection against the wild animals. This way the community life had started.

(ii) In  this age man had started making the rough stone tools like hand-axes and choppers.

(iii) There are some evidences in history which show that during this period man had developed the art of painting.

(iv) The Palaeolithic man had not as yet learnt agriculture and domestication of animals. He was a food gatherer and a food producer.

Tips: -


Mention the main characteristics of the Mesolithic Period.

What do you know regarding the division of labour in food procurement ?

Discuss the lesson learned about the changes in our lives today by studying the causes of the change in life of early man.

Describe the significant changes brought about with the introduction of agriculture.

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