
An organic compound A has the molecular formula of C7H6O. When A is treated with NaOH followed by acid hydrolysis, it gives two products, B and C. When B is oxidised, it given A, When A and C are each treated separately with PC15, they give two different organic products D and E.

(i) Identify A to E.

(ii) Give the chemical reaction A is treated with NaOH and name the reaction.

A’ can be an aldehyde with the absence of α-Hydrogen because ‘A’ gives Cannizzaro Rxn. Hence




Give one good chemical test to distinguish between the following pairs of organic compounds:

(i) Benzaldehyde and acetone.

(ii) Methylamine and dimethylamine.

Give balanced equations for the following reactions:

(i) Benzaldehyde treated with hydrogen cyanide.

(ii) Chlorine is passed through diethyl ether.

(iii) Benzoic acid solution is treated with sodium carbonate.

An organic compound A with molecular formula C7H8 on oxidation by chromylchloride in the presence of CCl4 gives a compound B which gives positive tollen’s test. The compound B on treatment with NaOH followed by acid hydrolysis gives two products C and D. C on oxidation gives B which on further oxidation gives D. The compound D on distillation with soda lime gives a hydrocarbon E. Below 60oC, concentrated nitric acid  reacts with E in the presence of concentrated sulphuric acid forming a compound F. Identify the compounds A, B, C, D, E and F.

Correct the following statements by changing the underlined part of the sentence. (Do not change the whole sentence) : 
Formaldehyde undergoes Cannizzaro’s reaction since it has one alpha hydrogen atom.

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