लोकाः स्त्रीषु रताः स्त्रियश्च चपलाः पुत्राः पितुर्द्वेषिणः ।
साधुः सीदति दुर्जनः प्रभवति प्राप्ते कलौ दुर्युगे ॥
कलियुग के प्रारम्भ होने पर पुरुष स्त्रियों के प्रति अत्यधिक आसक्त हो जाते हैं और स्त्रियां अत्यन्त चपल प्रकृति की हो जाती हैं, बेटे अपने पिताओं से द्वेष करने लगते हैं, साधु जन अत्यन्त कष्ट और दुःख पाते हैं और जो दुर्जन हैं वे प्रभावशाली और संपन्न हो जाते हैं। इसी कारण यह युग एक बुरा युग कहलाता है।
lokaah streeshu rataah striyashch chapalaah putraah piturdveshunih.
Saadhuh seedati durjanah prabhavati praapte kalau duryuge.
(Kalau = Name of an era in Hindu calendar called “Kaliyuga”. There are four ‘Yugas” of varying years as per Hindu Mythology namely, Satya Yuga, Tretaa Yuga, Dvaapar Yugsa and Kaliyuga respectively. The virtuousity of people living in these eras gradually deminishes, being maximum in Satya Yuga (era of truth i.e.Satya) and minimum in Kaliyuga. This is the reason as to why “Kaliyuga” is termed as a Duryuga i.e. bad Yuga. Presently Kaliyuga is prevailing and about 5500 years of Kaliyuga have already passed.)
When ‘Kaliyuga’ (termed as a bad Yuga) is continuing ,people are too much obsessed of women, women are ill mannered and of wavering mind, sons are inimical to their fathers, saints and righteous persons suffer and face difficulties, whereas villainous and wicked persons prosper and become very powerful.
(Tulsidas, the saint poet, who wrote the epic “Ramcharit Maanas’ has dealt in great details all the shortcomings of Kaliyuga in the seventh chapter of his epic. The degeneration of moral values in Kaliyuga has also been dealt with in great details in Sanskrit Literature, and the above shloka is one of them.)
(इससे पहले का सुभाषित – सेवेव मानमखिलं ज्योत्स्नेव तमो जरेन लावण्यम् । हरिहरकथेन दुरितं गुणशतमप्यर्थिता हरति ॥ )