Allahabad is famous for its Guava varieties like, Allahabad Safeda, Allahabad Sukhna and Arka Mridula, and for this very reason, Allahabad is often referred to as the "City of Green Gold".

In India the best verities of guavas come from Allahabad, including the Allahabad Safeda variety which is large in size, round in shape and the skin is smooth and yellowish- white in colour. 

The flesh is white, soft and tasty and is high in Vitamin C.

The Allahabad Sukhna is pink in colour with deep pink skin.

The fruit is sweet and a few seeds and is slightly depressed on both ends. 

The Arka Mridula on the other hand has white pulp and a few soft seeds.

The guava is often referred to as the “Backyard” fruit or the “Super fruit” for it is rich in dietary fiber, vitamin A, C, folic acid and dietary minerals, potassium, copper and manganese. 

Low on calories the guava has four times more vitamin C than an orange. 

High levels of pectin in the fruit ensure that the guava can be used to make candies, jellies, jams, marmalades and other preserves.

Nirbhay Dubey

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication, is what defines Nirbhay. A graduate from the prestigious Delhi University and Masters in Art, Nirbhay is gifted to see politics in life all around. With his adroitness in understanding of the Indian Political arena, Nirbhay adds value to Zigya on the Political Science stream. Nirbhay also enjoys dribbling in the social media and contributes in the company's digital marketing initiatives. Follow his work at

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Nirbhay Dubey

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication, is what defines Nirbhay. A graduate from the prestigious Delhi University and Masters in Art, Nirbhay is gifted to see politics in life all around. With his adroitness in understanding of the Indian Political arena, Nirbhay adds value to Zigya on the Political Science stream. Nirbhay also enjoys dribbling in the social media and contributes in the company's digital marketing initiatives. Follow his work at

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