Shrinking the world 5” at time: CBSE online study material free

The humble mobile has rapidly undergone a makeover over the last decade and is today a necessity for everyone. The…

8 years ago

Chemistry in everyday life

  When someone mentions Chemistry, we generally think of the complex equations and label it boring. Maybe it is the…

8 years ago

The Power of Yawn

  The strict teacher is giving a lecture on the most difficult topic. You are all eyes and ears to…

8 years ago

How to beat the exams blues: Solutions of NCERT Books

Examinations are a much-debated topic amongst the academic circles and opinions are divided on the ideal type of assessment that…

8 years ago

The Free Falling Misconception

Do bodies with different masses when dropped from a height in free space, reach the earth at different times depending…

8 years ago

Step Ahead with New Teaching Techniques: NCERT Textbook Questions and Answers

Education, like almost every other sector of our society has evolved leaps and bounds in the recent years. It has…

8 years ago

The Smell of Rain

The weather is grey and your mood is blue.  It starts to rain. You step outside in the first downpour…

8 years ago

Knowing the Hydrogen Bomb

    Recently North Korea created an international buzz by announcing that it had successfully tested a Hydrogen bomb. For…

9 years ago


With the exam time approaching, the stress levels among the students reach a whole new level. The common difficulties faced…

9 years ago

The Digital revolution | CBSE NCERT Solutions Online

Many years back, Star Trek (the original) told us that ‘space is the final frontier’. Today living in the 21st century,…

9 years ago

NCERT solutions for examinations

Examinations are certainly no cakewalk. With the boards round the corner, there is a lot of buzz in the student…

9 years ago

Communicating Without Words

  Actions speak louder than words!!   While we communicate with other individuals, we are sending out messages all the time. Apart from…

9 years ago

The Colour of Blood

What’s the colour of blood? Is your answer Red?   Well, red is not the only blood colour available –…

9 years ago

Technology in Education

Technology is moving at a faster pace than it has ever before in history. We have reached a situation where…

9 years ago

An analysis of Bihar electoral outcome

Bihar assembly election was perceived as the mother of all elections where for the first time, foes turned friends.  Nitish…

9 years ago

The Physics of Tsunami

Yes! The rebels are none other than Tsunami. Utter the word ‘Tsunami’, and one tends to go back down the…

9 years ago

Black Hole of the Eye

Confused? The black hole we are talking about is called the Blind Spot. You are blind at one spot in…

9 years ago

Alternative Learning – The Montessori way

Maria Montessori, was a part of what is known as the cognitive-development movement. Her work as a doctor and scientist…

9 years ago

Russian Age: Middle East Entangle

Russia-The Global Protector Russia, officially known as The Russian Federation is the successor state of USSR. It is also the…

9 years ago

Making Learning Fun

        As students, we all know that there are some topics that need to be understood – the…

9 years ago

End of Road for Batteries?

  Sitting in 2016 if one tends to reminisce two decades, one realizes that technology has made a significant breakthrough…

9 years ago

You Are Smarter Than You Think!

It will take much more than 10% of your Brain to read this article.  Are you ready? Adding to that…

9 years ago

Why you feel better on full stomach

Why you feel better on a full stomach If you are hungry and thirsty at the same time, what would…

9 years ago

Indo-Japan: A Spiritual Connect

History is a very interesting subject. It tells us so much about our civilization and others’. If you read it…

9 years ago

Lightning Bolts!!

 Lightning Bolts- Lightning is a mega electrostatic discharge that occurs in the clouds. For all those who think that the…

9 years ago

Short & Sweet – short stories

Do you remember the story of 'Little red riding hood' that you would have read when you were very young…

9 years ago

Genetics of Superhumans

Ever wondered why Superheroes are unique? What is it about Superman or Spiderman that makes them who they are?   …

9 years ago

Teaching Tolerance To Children

Teaching Tolerance To Children With the newspapers spewing out news about terror attacks day after day, the whole world would…

9 years ago