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Posts published in “Subjects”

The Painful Paper-Cut

Daksha Shah 0

You are cleaning up your closet and you come across your old diary. Leafing through the pages, you reminisce those times and feel happy reading what you had penned down.…

The Hydrophobic Oil

Princy P. John 0

Oil is a hydrophobic viscous liquid. That is, it is immiscible with water and lipophilic (miscible with other oils or fat loving). It is neutral and a non-polar liquid. Oil…

The Collosal Tempest

Princy P. John 0

After pounding Taiwan, typhoon Meranti is barrelling into the mainland of China and Japan. With power being disrupted in more than 90,000 households and 2 people losing their lives so…

How Gun Silencers Work?

Daksha Shah 0

You are watching a James Bond Movie. The protagonist is making his way through the crowded place. He takes out a gun and shoots the enemy. The enemy drops dead…


Rahul Kumar 7

During lab experiments especially in chemistry, we are always told to take a reading at bottom of the meniscus for colourless liquids and the upper meniscus of coloured liquids. A…

The Rainbow Tree

Daksha Shah 0

Eucalyptus deglupta is a tall tree, commonly known as the rainbow eucalyptus, Mindanao gum, or rainbow gum. It is found in an area that spans New Britain, New Guinea, Seram,…

Spectrum In The Sky

Princy P. John 0

A meteorological phenomenon, the rainbow is caused by the reflection, refraction, and dispersion of light resulting in a spectrum of light appearing in the sky. It takes the form of…

What Makes You Sneeze?

Princy P. John 3

  It was a Sunday afternoon and Mayra’s mom was grinding pepper in the kitchen. 11-year-old Mayra was playing in her room. It had been a while and she started…

The Political Snare of Caste

Nirbhay Dubey 0

Caste has always been an intrinsic feature of the Indian Political conundrum, almost synonymous to secularism for the political factions in existence. This phenomenon has borne a plethora of political…

The Glowing Eyes

Daksha Shah 2

You are all alone in the house and the lights go off. To make things worse the backup is not working and it is dark. As you make your way…

Scramjet Engine

Nirbhay Dubey 0

The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has successfully tested its scramjet engine on 28th August 2016 Sunday, in Satish Dhawan Space Centre(SDSC). The scramjet engine, also known as the air-breathing engine…

Unmasking the Whimsical Red

Princy P. John 1

Colour resonates with people in diverse ways. Everyone has a personal favourite colour that we use the most during our specific period of our lives. The psychology behind our emotional…

The Raman Effect

Princy P. John 0

February 28, which is celebrated as the National Science Day in India marks the invention of Raman Effect by Sir CV Raman. It was the discovery of The Raman Effect…

Brain Freeze

Daksha Shah 1

It was a hot summer day. Tired and drenched in sweat, I was barely able to walk. The sight of the ice-cream trolley was a blessing. The mere sight of…

Dahi – Curd

Nirbhay Dubey 1

Dahi is the Hindi word for yogurt. Dahi is commonly called Curd or Curds. According to Hindu traditions, eating a spoonful of curd is considered a good omen. Some other…

Matka – Earthen Pot

Nirbhay Dubey 0

When gods and demons were churning the ocean (Sheersagar) for the divine Nectar (Mahamrita), an earthen pot emerged. This is believed to be the first earthen pot ever created by the…

The Distorted Letters

Daksha Shah 1

You are in a hurry to log in to a website, but, there comes the CAPTCHA with a picture of some crooked, distorted text that seems to be simply irrelevant and…


Nirbhay Dubey 0

Earth is the third planet from the Sun and is the only planet in our solar system not to be named after a Greek or Roman deity. The Earth formed…

The Right Opposition

Nirbhay Dubey 0

In a parliamentary democracy, it is vital to have a vigilant opposition, one that can counter the government on issues bearing potentially undesirable implications on people and the country at…

Understanding the Communication Gap

Mohan Bala 0

The Communication Gap! Nature of Distortion In the field of telecommunication, it is axiomatic that no communication message passes un-distorted through a medium, even optic fibers. This is equally true of human…

Red Sky

Daksha Shah 0

Have you ever wondered why there is a red sky during sunrises and sunsets?  To understand why this is so, one need only recall how typical sky colors are produced. …

The political battleground of Uttar Pradesh

Nirbhay Dubey 0

Uttar Pradesh is the largest state in India, politically, demographically and geographically. Politically speaking, it has the largest number of representatives in both the Houses of the Parliament, and holds…

Why Onions Make You Cry?

Daksha Shah 0

Do you find chopping onions, a herculean task too? For me, chopping those scaly things has always been a formidable task. Excuses come naturally to me, whenever Mom asks me…

The Hive Mind- Decision Making in Teams

Mohan Bala 0

In the beginning Once upon a city, there was a residential colony with a 126 apartments. By this time in the march to progress, urban civilization had already advanced to…

Engineer your Future

Abir Basak 0

A city located in the southeast of northern Indian state of Rajasthan, is Kota. Not to be confused with its namesake in Indonesia, this city is located around 250 kilometres south…

Language, Learning and Mathematics

Mohan Bala 0

Teaching math to children can be extremely exciting or brutally boring. However this experience is really in the hands of the instructor. When the student is unable to appreciate conventional methods, it;s time to get creative. Looking at mathematics as nothing more than a 'Language' can be an extremely useful way to breakthrough the early muddle.

Allahabad – The Spiritual City

Nirbhay Dubey 0

Allahabad city, also known as Prayag or Ilahabad, is a city in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. The city's original name; Prayaga or "place of offerings", comes from its…


Princy P. John 4

Lasers are devices that emit light through a process of optical amplification based on the stimulated emission of electromagnetic radiation. The term “LASER” is an acronym for “Light Amplification by…