Social Intelligence


Email writing has penetrated our lives from every aspect. Workplace, Government, Courts, Business, inviting a friend, or even when applying for a job- you indite an email. Despite being an inherent part of school education, we often are perplexed when it comes to real-time email writing.

Making things easier for you, we have developed the entire process, format, and explanations with examples. Read and grasp to write efficient, clear, and concise emails in the future.


Email writing stands for electronic mail that you send to state your point, request, or make suggestions to someone. It is the simplest way of contact and the cheapest way. It is used in all official, semi-formal
and casual modes of speech or writing.


From organizations to businesses to government corporations- you use email writing. Even you roll out your thoughts to colleagues via email.

When your office has a structured atmosphere, unless you’re told
to do otherwise, use formal emails with your boss and colleagues.
Most offices move towards a more relaxed culture, and this also contributes to email interactions.


While formatting an email, you have to follow a proper format and keep certain points in mind. What are they? We have assorted them one-by-one for your easy comprehension.


This is a concise term that summarises the explanation for your message or the intent of your conversation. It is what the views see in their inbox. When sending a professional email, it is crucial to have a subject line so that the audience knows- precisely what to expect and can quickly find the message if necessary. But be careful not to make the subject line too long.

For instance:


This is the very first line in your email, which serves as a greeting in general. It predominantly addresses the person you whom you are sending the email.
For instance:

“Dear Mr. Albert”


The opening of a structured email also has to be initiated by the sender.
In comparison, informal emails are addressed to someone you know and there is no need for an introduction.

For example:

“My name is Rohit Sharma. I am a student at XYZ University. I wanted to draw your attention…”


Usually, the body of a formal email elaborates on the email’s intent. In an informal email, elaboration may not be needed. Although the body contains informative data, it is innate to write clearly and concisely in a formal email. Bear in mind that your reader is not acquainted with you and might not know your matter. You do not want a significant argument to be mistaken by your email receiver.


Before your signature, this is the last line of your email which should tie up your post. Moreover, this is also the place where you reiterate your aforementioned requests or suggestions.
For instance:

“I look forward to hearing from you.”


The signature is where you designate yourself- by name, title, and any other detail substantial to your correspondence. Most email systems allow you to set a fixed signature at the end of any email you send, which is automatically inserted.

For instance:
Rohit Sharma
Student, XYZ College
[Email address goes here]
[Phone number goes here]



Tell yourself what you expect the recipient to do after they have read it before you write an email. If you’ve decided your email’s intent, you should make sure this action is endorsed by everything you put in your post. For instance, if you want the user to review a report that you have attached, let them know what the report is, why you need them to review it, what kind of input you need, and when you need the task done.


Make sure your tone suits your
audience as you write an email.
For instance, if you email a business executive you’ve never met,
keep the email polished and free of any jokes or casualties.
On the other hand, you could use a less formal, more casual
style if you’re emailing a colleague with whom you have a strong friendship.


Your viewer might have little time to read through your email, so without missing out on crucial details, keep it as short as possible. This will make your message long, hard to read, and impossible to take action, try not to discuss too many topics at once. Take out any detail that is unrelated to the subject you are covering as you update your email. By eliminating filler words and extraneous material, use concise, simple sentences. This will simplify the note to make it easy to read.


Diligence and professionalism are demonstrated by an error-free text.
Take a minute to search for any pronunciation, grammar, or syntax Mistakes before you send an email. Also, double-check to make sure you have used all attachments in your post that you might have cited.
If it’s an important email to key stakeholders, before you send it, you
might ask your immediate boss or a trustworthy colleague to read through it.

Many of us employ a lot of time writing and sending an email. But writing and email is of no use if it misguides the reader.

With the right steps and formidable format, you can yourself write a proper and convincing email. That we have guided you all the points, you are ready to write and send your emails correctly.

Go ahead.

This brings the end of this Blog. Thanks for reading. We really appreciate your time.

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Zigya Academy

Zigya Academy

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