Throughout the day, you and everybody in the world receive and perceive a plethora of information. Newspaper, social media, TV news, reading, and what not! Do you buy all the stuff that is iterated- in the news or an article? If yes, you need to rethink. Not every word said is credible. So, how do you refine concepts? Critical thinking is one functional idea to pick up the best answers.
For instance, political news talks about two sides of a coin. While one states the bill as completely irrelevant, the other reiterates its worth for the welfare of society. So, how do you choose what is right? You can’t just follow the flock.
Knowing the substantiality of these critical thinking skills, here are the 7 easy practices to enhance critical thinking skills.
Grasp them now.
Self-awareness involves taking the method of reasoning, ideals, principles, ethics, and other convictions into account. What is it that you believe in? How do these principles reflect your thoughts? What are your logical likes and dislikes?
Taking into consideration your interests, strengths, weaknesses, and inclinations can shape up your viewpoints. That will give you a clear picture as to why you see through something from that perspective.

Active listening is the focal point of critical thinking. Whatever be the source from where you assort information, be scrupulous to listen actively. Passive or distracted conception can lead to misinterpretations.
Take, for example, the workplace- when colleagues and bosses are chatting, listen closely, and deliberately. Practice compassion and work on knowing their viewpoints. Having a complete picture of what they want, need, or predict will enable you to identify objectively and have a constructive discussion afterward.
Never be complacent with what you hear. Any misconception or misinterpretation can upturn your outlook. Therefore, always ask questions to clear even a minuscule doubt.
Begin with what you already know and ensure that you’ve got all the specifics right. To decide what you have correctly heard, seek to have points reiterated or even try rephrasing in your own language.
To get information that might have been left out or misheard, try posing follow-up questions. Moreover, you yourself can follow-up by categorising if the statement is a fact, opinion, or an idea. This move will allow you to allocate a piece of information of intent and meaning.
Forward-looking is an asset no matter what field you are trying to slay. Whether you are up to a job interview, planning to marketize a business, or drawing a surprise date- you will be more beneficial at the discretion if you are proactive.
How can you be proactive? Try to conceptualize a concept from all corners. Cutting corners can often land you in a mirage.
That is to say, do not simply chase down your hunches, instead focus on facts and assertions. Furthermore, the pros and cons list is an excellent method to extol foresight.
Mind mapping is a fabulous idea to lay out the plan on the table in a prehensile manner. Igniting the main idea at the core, you can run your imagination wild. Once you are done with the heads, move forward with the supportive facts.
For a quick example, you want to write web content. How would you go about it?
At the central block- begin with- “I want to plan a vacation.” Create the heads in your mind as:
- Search for the place
- Convince everybody
- Pack bags
Further, you can break down these headers into subheads as to what exactly you have to do.
Every nuance- even a failure has a hidden sermon that we may overlook. Thus, recollect any mistake or error and evaluate what went wrong. Being your own arbitrator, decide how you can avert the same mistake in the offing.
Deliberate yourself over petty mistakes like uttering the wrong word, missing deadlines, or having unsatisfactory health. The sanities behind these are petite and therefore easier to fix and learn. It may seem trivial, but the long-term effect will leave you jaw-dropped.

The bigger picture is not always as clear as- the smaller ones. For instance, it’s far easier to put a finger at someone in a group picture of 4, rather than from a group picture of 40 people. Likewise, when you synthesize and break down a problem, the problem becomes diminutive (though not physically) but psychologically- Yes!
For instance, shedding 10 pounds at once- seems a humongous problem. But, if you break it down to shedding 2 pounds a week. It may sound more manageable. Right? Yeah!
This brings the end of this Blog. Thanks for reading. We really appreciate your time.
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Zigya Academy