An examination is undoubtedly a stressful period for students. A considerable amount of stress may however be alleviated through understanding the right techniques and strategy. These techniques help in saving time and consequently have a reduced payload on the mind. Here are some of the tips that might be helpful to students who are getting ready for taking an exam.

strategy in the examination hall:
Seated in the examination hall, it is always advisable to go through the question paper thoroughly for the first 10 minutes. Read the question paper, the instructions and the type of questions asked. During this time, work out the questions that you are most likely to answer, the order in which you’d answer them, and plan your time in the exam roughly calculating how much time you are likely to spend answering each question. Before making this plan, make sure you take a quick note of the marking scheme.
2. Manage your time in the exam hall. After you have assigned a time limit for each question, it is best not to waste precious time by devoting more time than allocated. Write the answer precisely without going into the unnecessary explanations and details. Move on to the next question.
3. Structuring answers helps the examiner as well. Taking the first few minutes to plan the structure of your answer saves time and aids articulation. Writing the answer in a structured pattern will always fetch you good marks. The answer should be stated with assumptions clearly, three main points at least and the conclusion.
4. Always explain what you are doing so that the examiner does not start getting vague ideas or lose interest in checking your paper. Make sure that you explain all the variables that are being used. The answers should be comprehensive. Don‘t just write long lines of mathematics. Explain what you‘re trying to do with the derivation before you set off, and add comments as you go. It‘s easy, and can gain a lot of marks for method, even when the answer is wrong.
5. Take a bottle of water with you, if you’re permitted to, and sip it throughout slowly. This can help you get through a lot of nervous sweat during a hard exam. Your body and brain will work better if you keep yoursel< /span>f hydrated.
6. IF you are running out of time and you have to choose between two questions, in order to maximize your marks, do the first half of both of them. You gain marks faster at the start of a question than at the end.
Most of all, prepare well for your exams. For the academics study the books, notes and the available online CBSE study material, maintain a proper diet, hydrate yourself, get adequate sleep and do not subject yourself to unnatural hours. If you are relaxed in mind and body, you’re performance during the examination is also likely to be exemplary.