Categories: R Series

How to Read data in Rstudio?

R is capable of reading data from most formats, including files created in other statistical packages. Whether the data was prepared using Excel (in CSV, XLSX, or TXT format), R can read and load the data into memory.

R also has two native data formats Rdata (sometimes shortened to Rda) and Rds. 

Before reading any data in Rstudio you first need to check that you are in the same directory that as of the Data you want to load.

> getwd()
[1] "C:/Users/Admin/Desktop"
> setwd("C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/zogya_d")  # the data is present in the folder name zigya_d

Reading Local .txt file

Function: read.table()

Common Parameters:

  • Header: TRUE when the first row includes variable names. The default is FALSE.
  • Sep: A string indicating what is separating the data. The default is ”  “.

To import a word.txt file from your local, the syntax would be:

# Read a txt file, named "mtcars.txt"
 and storing it in vector named my_data
> my_data <- read.tabe("word.txt", header=TRUE, sep= " ")

By default numeric items (except row labels) are read as numeric variables. We can change this if we want.

Reading Local .csv file

Function: read.csv()

Common Parameters:

  • Header: TRUE when first row includes variable names. The default is FALSE.
# Read a csv file, named "word.csv"
 and storing it in vector named my_data
> my_data <- read.csv("word.csv")


We covered how to read data from .txt files and .csv files as well, along with the change the directory in which the data is present.

This brings the end of this Blog. We really appreciate your time.

Hope you liked it.

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Zigya Academy

Zigya Acadmey

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Zigya Acadmey

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