The gigantic Google company initiated a survey, namely “Project Oxygen” in 2013, to gauge the reverent reasons behind the hire, fire, and promotions of employees. The results came as a startle to everyone because, among the top eight attributes of google employees, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) expertise came at the last. Streaming the charts at the peak were all soft skills. Those included being a good coach, communication and listening, having insights about others, displaying empathy towards others, critical thinking, problem-solving, and forming connections beyond complex ideas.
Reviewing this data, you can recognize the worth of soft skills in the present scenario of the companies. Now, as you know that soft skills form the core of your personality as a job applicant, read more to conceive how they are beneficial for you.
Delving deeper into the question- Why do you need Soft Skills? Let’s tread forward.
The modern workplace works upon the dynamics of interpersonal skills to maintain a healthy and amicable environment. Interpersonal skills like communication, listening, engagements tend to create a conducive ambiance at the workplace.

The skillset not only fosters to build robust relationships with the colleagues but also with the clients. One-on-one responses spark trust and loyalty with the customers, thus amplifying the sales. To add on, teamwork and organizational skills further valorize the productivity of the company.
As an individual, your technical knowledge remains somewhat constant, but what mushrooms with experiences is your soft skills. As you gain exposure and expertise, your critical observation, conflict resolution, problem-solving abilities surges, and so does your progress report.
As per the Forbes report, 94% of recruiting professionals believe an employee with stronger soft skills has a better chance of being promoted to a leadership position than an employee with more years of experience but weaker soft skills.
To hail a promotion, you need to stand out from colleagues in terms of soft skills. A person with less experience and excellent soft skills is likely to win over a person with more experience and inadequate soft skills. Simply put, soft skills and management is the key to progress and promotion.
With rapid automation and developments, robots are becoming valuable to accomplish human tasks efficiently and effectively. What makes you stand apart from bots is your emotional and social intelligence.
As a human resource, you can converse and communicate with others, lead a team, manage time, negotiate, and utilize your common sense. Unable to account for these skills, bots can never take your place in any company. Being a human resource, you will always remain in the pilot seat, giving instructions to the bots.
Do you know, any customer is far more inclined to trust a personalized text over an automated mail. For this reason, you have to be competent in people skills such as communication, active listening, persuasion, and so on.
With the growing number of businesses, the customers have ample choices. Then what makes them hit the button for any deal is the emotional connection. Thus, you need to be proficient as an employee to talk to prospects and convince them to buy for your company.
Gone are the days when a technical degree was enough for you to seize the job. For in the modern world, soft skills are complementary to hard skills that together correspond to the hiring of an employee.
Even with excellent grades, you can miss a job owing to your poor communication and interpersonal skills. Therefore, the enhancement of soft skills besides your technical expertise is a must.
Conclusively, now you are well-cognizant as to why you need soft skills. But soft skills alone are not gonna provide you wonders. Therefore, you need to empower yourself as a person with both hard skills and soft skills to show up and impress employers. Hard skills, as well as soft skills, together will offset you to blink in the eyes of the employers.
Furthermore, to flourish in your career in any industry, strong communication and social skills are inherent. So start today and work upon them!
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