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Python Variables

Zigya Acadmey 0

Think of a variable as a name attached to a particular object. In Python, variables need not be declared or defined in advance, as is the case in many other…

Python basic syntax

Zigya Acadmey 0

Before you start writing your first Python program, you’ve got to learn the basics. We will walk you through Python syntax basics that will help as a building block for…

Python setup

Zigya Acadmey 0

Python is one of the fastest-growing programming languages nowadays and is used for machine learning, data science, and a lot of other use cases. The best way to start learning…

What is leaflet package in R?

Zigya Acadmey 0

What’s leaflet? The leaflet is an open-source JavaScript library for interactive web maps. The leaflet is designed with simplicity, performance, and usability in mind. It’s lightweight, simple, and flexible, and is probably the most popular open-source mapping library…

What is stringr package in R?

Zigya Acadmey 0

Large data sets are often awash with data that is difficult to decipher. One may think of textual data, names, unique identifiers, and other sorts of codes. Frequently, people analyzing…

What is Plotly package in R

Zigya Acadmey 0

Creating and generating plots can be done using a new package in R called “plotly”. With plotly we can create many interactive plots. In this article, we’ll learn how to…

What is DT package in R?

Zigya Acadmey 0

In this article, we’ll learn about a new package in R called ‘DT’. The default print function in R, is not an effective way to display the contents, especially in…

What is janitor package in R?

Zigya Acadmey 1

We all know the many hours spent cleaning and wrangling data. Sometimes I think my actual job is not “Data Scientist” but “Data Cleaner”.Data, as you surely know, is not often…

What is dplyr package in R?

Zigya Acadmey 0

What is dplyr ? dplyr is a powerful R-package to transform, summarize, and perform data manipulation. The package contains a set of functions (or “verbs”) that perform common data manipulation…

Anonymous Functions in R

Zigya Acadmey 0

In R, functions are objects in their own right. They aren’t automatically bound to a name. Unlike many languages (e.g., C, C++, Python, and Ruby), R doesn’t have a special…

What is tidyr package in R?

Zigya Acadmey 0

tidyr is new package that makes it easy to “tidy” your data. Tidy data is data that’s easy to work with: it’s easy to munge (with dplyr), visualise (with ggplot2…

What are Functions in R?

Zigya Acadmey 0

In this article, we’ll learn what functions are and all the parts inside a function in R. A function is a set of statements organized together to perform a specific…

Decision Tree in R

Zigya Acadmey 1

Decision Trees are versatile Machine Learning algorithm that can perform both classification and regression tasks. They are very powerful algorithms, capable of fitting complex datasets. Besides, decision trees are fundamental components…

What is Multiple Regression in R?

Zigya Acadmey 0

R is one of the most important languages in the field of data analysis and analytics, and so the multiple linear regression in R carries importance. It defines the case where a single response variable Y is linearly dependent on multiple predictor variables. What is Multiple Linear Regression? A technique used for predicting a variable result that depends on two or more variables is a multilinear regression. It is also called multiple regression. It is a linear regression extension. The calculated variable is the dependent variable, which is referred to as independent or informative variables in the variables used to predict the dependent variable meaning. Multilinear regression allows researchers to assess the model variance and the relative contribution of each independent variable. Multiple regression is of two forms, linear and nonlinear regression. The general mathematical equation for multiple regression is − y = b + b1x1 + b2x2 +...bnxn Description of the parameters used…

What is Linear Regression in R?

Zigya Acadmey 0

In this article, you will learn the basics behind a very popular statistical model, the linear regression. What is Linear Regression In statistics, linear regression is a linear approach to modeling the relationship between a scalar response…

Statistical functions in R

Zigya Acadmey 0

In this article, you’ll learn Statistical functions used in R. We will also be each one of them with an example and various ways to use them for better understanding.…

Resume Writing- Make your resume right

Zigya Academy 0

Writing a flamboyant resume is your first step-towards the paycheck. And, honestly a crucial one! It’s your first impression of the recruiter. And you know, what they say about the…

Functions for data summarization in R?

Zigya Acadmey 0

People remain uncertain when it comes to summarizing actual data easily in R. There are a variety of choices. So who is the right one? I addressed the query below. At first, you must pick one. And become an expert on this. That’s how you’re going to switch to the next. In this article, I will discuss the primary methods of summarizing data sets. Let’s hope this makes the trip much smoother than it seems. Methods for summarizing data in R apply() Apply function returns a vector or array or a list of values achieved by applying a function to rows or columns. This is the easiest of all the tasks that can do this work. However, this feature is very unique to either row or column collapsing. Usage Arguments Values Description x an array, including a matrix. MARGIN a vector giving the subscripts which the function will be applied over. E.g., for…


Zigya Academy 0

If you are of the view that writing skills are a part of a mere digital marketer or content writers’ bubble, then you are highly mistaken. Gone are those days…

What is Coercion in R?

Zigya Acadmey 0

R’s coercion behavior may seem inconvenient, but it is not arbitrary. R always follows the same rules when it coerces data types. Once you are familiar with these rules, you…