Spherical mirrors | Light-Reflection and Refraction - Zigya

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Light - Reflection and Refraction

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Spherical mirrors

The reflecting surface of a spherical mirror may be curved inwards or outwards. A spherical mirror is that mirror whose reflecting surface is the part of a hollow sphere of glass.

The spherical mirrors are of two types: Concave mirror and Convex mirror.

Concave: A concave mirror is that spherical mirror in which the reflection of light takes place at the concave surface (or bent-in surface).

Convex: A convex mirror is that spherical mirror in which the reflection of light takes place at the convex surface (or bulging –out surface).

Image Formation by Spherical Mirrors

Centre of Curvature(C): The centre of curvature of a spherical mirror is the centre of the hollow sphere of a glass of which the spherical mirror is a part. It is represented by letter ‘C’.

Pole(P): The pole of a spherical mirror is the centre of the mirror. It is represented by letter ‘P’.

The radius of Curvature(R): The radius of curvature of a spherical mirror is the radius of the hollow sphere of a glass of which the spherical is a part. It is represented by the letter ‘R’.

Principal axis: The principal axis of a spherical mirror is the straight line passing through the centre of curvature C and pole P of the spherical mirror, produced on both sides.

Aperture: The aperture of a spherical mirror is the diameter of the reflecting surface of the mirror.

Focal Length: The focal length of a spherical mirror is the distance between its pole and principal focus. It is denoted by the letter ‘f’.

The relation between Radius of curvature and focal length of a spherical mirror.The focal length of a spherical mirror is equal to half of its radius of curvature.
F = R/2R
R = 2F

Mirror Formula and Magnification

Magnification of Spherical Mirrors

It is the ratio of the height of the image to the height of the object.

m = height of image/height of Object

wiris equation require

If ‘m’ is negative, the image is real.
If ‘m’ is positive, the image is virtual.
If hi = ho then m = 1, i.e., image is equal to object.
If hi > hi then m > 1 i.e., image is enlarged.
If hi < ho then m < 1 i.e., the image is diminished.

Magnification of plane mirror is always + 1.

‘+’ sign indicates virtual image.

‘1’ indicates that image is equal to object’s size.

  1. If ‘m’ is ‘+ve’ and less than 1, it is a convex mirror.
  2. If ‘m’ is ‘+ve’ and more than 1, it is a concave mirror.
  3. If ‘m’ is ‘-ve’, it is a concave mirror.

  • Magnification

    Magnification of Spherical Mirrors

    It is the ratio of the height of the image to the height of the object.

    m = height of image/height of Object

    wiris equation require

    If ‘m’ is negative, the image is real.
    If ‘m’ is positive, the image is virtual.
    If hi = ho then m = 1, i.e., image is equal to object.
    If hi > hi then m > 1 i.e., image is enlarged.
    If hi < ho then m < 1 i.e., the image is diminished.

    Magnification of plane mirror is always + 1.

    ‘+’ sign indicates virtual image.

    ‘1’ indicates that image is equal to object’s size.

    1. If ‘m’ is ‘+ve’ and less than 1, it is a convex mirror.
    2. If ‘m’ is ‘+ve’ and more than 1, it is a concave mirror.
    3. If ‘m’ is ‘-ve’, it is a concave mirror.

Representation of Images Formed by Spherical Mirrors Using Ray Diagrams

Rules for making ray diagrams by the concave mirror

  1. A ray parallel to the principal axis will pass through the principal focus, after reflection.
  2. A ray passing through the principal focus of concave mirror will emerge parallel to principal axis after reflection.
  3. A ray of light passing through the centre of curvature of a concave mirror is reflected back along the same path as it is a normally incident ray.
  4. A ray incident obliquely to the principal axis of a concave mirror is reflected obliquely making an equal angle.

  • Image formation by Concave Mirror

    Image formation by a concave mirror for different positions of the object
    Position of the object Position of Image Size of the Image Nature of Image
    At infinity At the focus F Highly diminished,point-sized Real and inverted
    Beyond C Between F and C Diminished Real and inverted
    At C At C Same size Real and inverted
    Between C and F Beyond C Enlarged Real and inverted
    At F At infinity Highly enlarged Real and inverted
    Between P and F Behind the mirror Enlarged Virtual and erect

  • Uses of Concave mirror

    Uses of the concave mirror:

    1. Concave mirrors are commonly used in torches, search-lights and vehicles headlights to get powerful parallel beams of light.
    2. Concave mirrors are used as shaving mirrors to see a larger image of the face.
    3. The dentists use concave mirrors to see large images of the teeth of patients.
    4. Concave mirrors are used as doctor’s head mirrors to focus light coming from a lamp on to the body parts of a patient to be examined by the doctor.
    5. Concave dishes are used in TV dish antennas to receive TV signals from the distant communications satellite.
    6. Large concave mirrors are used to concentrate sunlight to produce heat in solar furnaces.

  • Image formation by Convex Mirror

    Rule for image formation by Convex Mirror

    1. A ray of light parallel to the principal axis of a convex mirror appears to diverge from the principal focus.
    2. A ray which is directed towards the focus of the convex mirror will emerge parallel to the principal axis after reflection.
    3. A ray directed towards the center of curvature of a convex mirror is reflected back along the same.
    4. A ray incident obliquely to the principal axis is reflected obliquely.

    Ray diagrams of images formed by convex mirror: Nature, position and relative size of the image formed by a convex mirror

    Position of object Position of Image Size of Image Nature of Image
    At infinity At the focus F, behind the mirror Highly diminished,point-sized Virtual and erect
    Between infinity and the pole P of the mirror Between P and F, behind the mirror Diminished Virtual and erect

  • Uses of Convex Mirror

    Uses of Convex mirrors:

    1. Convex mirrors are commonly used as rear-view (wing) mirrors in vehicles.
    2. Convex mirrors are used at blind turns and on points of merging traffic to facilitate the vision of both side traffic.
    3. Used in shops as security mirror.

Sign Convention for Reflection by Spherical Mirrors

Sign Convention for Reflection by Spherical Mirror or New Cartesian Sign Convention

  1. The object is placed to the left of the mirror.
  2. All distances parallel to the principal axis are measured from the pole of the mirror.
  3. All distances measured in the direction of incident ray (along with + X-axis) are taken as positive and those measured against the direction of incident ray (along – X-axis) are taken as negative.
  4. Distance measured perpendicular to and above the principal axis are taken as positive.
  5. Distances measured perpendicular to and below the principal axis are taken as negative.

Object distance = ‘u’ is always negative

Focal length of concave mirror = Negative

Focal length of convex mirror = Positive

Mirror Formula :

v = Image distance
u = Object distance
f = Focal length

Magnification of Spherical Mirrors

It is the ratio of the height of the image to the height of the object.

m = height of image/height of Object

wiris equation require

If ‘m’ is negative, the image is real.
If ‘m’ is positive, the image is virtual.
If hi = ho then m = 1, i.e., image is equal to object.
If hi > hi then m > 1 i.e., image is enlarged.
If hi < ho then m < 1 i.e., the image is diminished.

Magnification of plane mirror is always + 1.

‘+’ sign indicates virtual image.

‘1’ indicates that image is equal to object’s size.

  1. If ‘m’ is ‘+ve’ and less than 1, it is a convex mirror.
  2. If ‘m’ is ‘+ve’ and more than 1, it is a concave mirror.
  3. If ‘m’ is ‘-ve’, it is a concave mirror.
