What are general characteristics of covalent compounds?
General characteristics of Covalent compound:
1. State of existence: Covalent compounds are generally gaseous or liquids. They may be solid (but soft) if the molecular mass is very high. Molecules are present in three states which are held together by a weak force called Vander Waal’s forces.
2. Low melting and boiling points : Covalent compounds have generally low melting and boiling points since only a little enthalpy is required to overcome the weak Vander Waal’s forces.
3. Electrical conductivity: They are generally non-conductors of electricity because they contain neither the ions for migration nor the free electrons.
4. Non-polar nature: They are generally non-polar or only slightly polar.
5. Solubility: Being non-polar or only slightly polar, they are generally insoluble in a polar solvent like water but soluble in non-polar solvents like ether, benzene etc.
6. Reactions (Non-ionic): Covalent compounds contain molecules and they undergo reactions slowly.
7. Nature of bond and isomerism: Covalent bond is rigid and directional (true bond). Hence covalent compounds exhibit various types of isomerism.
Give the comparison between Electrovalent (or ionic compounds) compounds and covalent compounds (special reference to properties).
Discuss the orbtial concept or quantum concept for the formation of covalent bond.
Explain the formation of covalent bond on the basis of valence bond theory.
Discuss the orbital shapes of the following covalent molecules:
(i) H2 (ii) F2 (iii) O2 (iv) N2.