Define moleuclar orbital. What are the salient features of Molecular orbital theory?
Give at least two differences between atomic and molecular orbitals.
Atomic orbitals | Molecular orbitals |
1. The electron cloud extends around the nucleus of a single atom. | 1. The electron cloud extends around all the nuclei of bonded atoms in the molecules. It is obtained by combining atomic orbitals of comparable energy. |
2. They are less stable. | 2. They are more stable. |
3. They have a simple shape. | 3. They have a complex shape. They are represented by ![]() |
4. They are represented by s,p,d,f etc. | 4. They may be bonding or antibonding. |
What is a linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO) far obtaining molecular orbitals ?
Write the important conditions required for the linear combination of atomic orbitals to form molecular orbitals.
Assuming Z-axis as molecular (or internuclear) axis, label the molecular orbtials formed by the following combinations of atomic orbitals: (i) 1 s + 1 s (ii) 2py – 2pv (iii) 2Pz – 2pz.
Discuss the shapes of molecular orbitals formed by the combination of the following atomic orbitals. (lateral overlap)
(i)2px + 2py (ii) 2pz – 2pz