Acetylene molecule has carbon in:
sp -hybridization
sp2 -hybridization
sp3 -hybridization
sp3d -hybridization
In which of the following compound sp2 hybridisation is absent ?
CH ≡ C - CH = CH2
CH ≡ C - CH2 - CH3
CH3 - CH = CH2
CH2 = CH - CH2 - CH3
C - Cl bond is stronger than C - I bond because
C - Cl bond is more ionic than C - I
C - Cl bond is more ionic than C - I
C -Cl bond is more covalent than C - I
C - Cl bond length is longer than C - I
Bond energy of hydrogen gas is - 433 kJ. How much is the bond dissociation energy of 0.5 mole of hydrogen gas ?
-433 kJ
+433 kJ
-216 kJ
+216 kJ
+216 kJ
Given, bond energy of hydrogen = -433 kJ
Bond dissociation energy = -bond formation energy
Bond dissociation energy of one mole H2 = 433 kJ
Bond dissociation energy of 0.5 mole H2 = = +216.5 kJ
Geometry of ammonia molecule and the hybridisation of nitrogen involved in it are
sp3-hybridisation and tetrahedral geometry
sp3-hybridisation and distorted tetrahedral geometry
sp2-hybridisation and triangular geometry
None of the above
Be in BeCl2 undergoes
diagonal hybridisation
trigonal hybridisation
tetrahedral hybridisation
no hybridisation
The catenation tendency of C, Si and Ge is in the order Ge < Si < C. The bond energies (in kJ mol-1) of C-C, Si-Si and Ge-Ge bonds, respectively are
167, 180, 348
180, 167, 348
348, 167, 180
348, 180, 167