Which of the following species contains three bond pairs and one lone pair around the central atoms?
Which one of the following pairs is isostructural (i.e., having the same shape and hybridization)?
[BCl3 and BrCl3]
[NH3 and NO3-]
[NF3 and BF3]
[NF3 and BF3]
During the change of O2 to O2- ion, the electron adds on which one of the following orbitals?
π* orbital
π orbital
σ* orbital
σ* orbital
Four diatomic species are listed below. Identify the correct order in which the bond order is increasing in them.
NO< O2-<C22- < He2+
O2- <NO< C22- < He2+
C22- < He2+ <O2- <NO
C22- < He2+ <O2- <NO
Which of the two ions from the list given below have the geometry that is explained by the same hybridization of orbitals
The Correct order of increasing bond length of C - H, C-O, C - C and C = C is
C - C < C=C < C - O < C - H
C - O < C - H < C - C < C = C
C - H < C - O < C - C < C= C
C - H < C = C < C - O < C - C
Decreasing order of stability of is
order of stability directly proportional to the bond order
therefore, the order of the stability of given species,